Tuesday 4 August 2015

The fight to defend Alicante

As part of the refurb of the positions up at the Santa Pola headland some fantastic signage has been erected explaining the role of the gun batteries amd the network of bunkers. A beautifully produced map shows how the fascist plains would head in from Majorca and swing in from the Med heading along the coast to bomb Alicante and other positions. Other signs have some contemporary pictures of the defences in action that I have never seen before. There is also some excellent technical information on both the fascist planes and the Republican ordnance. Very impressive stuff. However, the one thing missing from the commentary is the obvious one that clearly still sticks in the throat of the right wing council - that these positions were built to defend democracy and the Republic from fascist attacks sponsored by Hitler and Mussolini. Maybe the recent change of the balance of forces at Santa Pola town hall my change that? We will see.


  1. Hi, as a long time ww2 interest and genuine interest in the history of my new land of residence I am now digging in (again..) into the politics and events that led to the civil war in reflections to recent political changes. As a result I find myself in search of what happened in and what is left to see from events during the civil war and its aftermath. I lived in Santa Pola for a year but never knew some remains/stories of this era are left to be seen. Your article doesn't mention any location apart from its about Santa Pola. Can you give me more details? And of interest I would like to communicate more on the general subject of events during the civil war in the region.


    Rudy Puister.

  2. Rudy, I am looking at the whole of the Costa Blanca. I have just posted some more info on Santa Pola, thanks for your interest Geoff

  3. Rudy, I am looking at the whole of the Costa Blanca. I have just posted some more info on Santa Pola, thanks for your interest Geoff
